Bach Bibliography
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Author : Smith, Timothy A.
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Smith, Timothy A.Bach's Mass in B Minor as Musical Icon. This lecture was first delivered at Ball State University in conjunction with a performance of the B-Minor Mass by the University Singers in 1995. 1996
2. Smith, Timothy A.Was Bach a Rationalist, Pietist, Neither, or Both? 1996
3. Smith, Timothy A.Intentionality and Meaningfulness in Bach's Cyclical Works. 1996
4. Smith, Timothy A.Trinitarian and Catechistic Connotations of the Clavier-Übung III 1997
5. Smith, Timothy A.'Circulatio' as Tonal Morpheme in the Liturgical Music of J. S. Bach This paper was read at the Lyrica Society Conference on October 3, 1998. It was published in the 2000 issue of the Society's Journal, Ars Lyrica. 1998
6. Smith, Timothy A.Fugues of the Well-Tempered Clavier. 2002
7. Smith, Timothy A.Bach Fan Thrills to Discovery of Lost 1724 Pages. Originally published in The Baltimore Sun, 31 Aug. 2008. [BWV 7] 31 Aug 2008
8. Smith, Timothy A.More Evidence of Numeral-Logical Design in Bach's St.Matthew Passion. Bach 17 2 Apr 1986 24-30
9. Smith, Timothy A.That 'Crown of Thorns'. Also given online at Bach 28 1-2 1997 144-150
10. Smith, Timothy A.Fugues Without Words: A Hearing of Four Fugues from The Well-Tempered Clavier as Passion Music. Bach 40 2 2009 44-65
11. Smith, Timothy A.Fugues without Words: a hearing of four fugues from the Well-Tempered Clavier as passion music. A paper read at SMA Spring Study Day 'Bach's Passions' held on 24-25 April 2009 at University of Glasgow. [p]SMA_Glasgow Apr 2009

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita